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David Babb, Principal of Marystown Central High School and Christina Brushett, Vice Principal of Pearce Junior High School.

Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation receives a $20,000 Bell Let's Talk Community Fund Grant

Burin Peninsula, NL, January 13, 2022 – The Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation is pleased to receive a $20,000 grant from the Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund to support the development of two new mental health walk-in clinics at Pearce Junior High School (Burin) and Marystown Central High School (Marystown).

The Mental Health and Addictions Campaign is currently in Phase 2 of development, and to date, walk-in clinics have been established in the communities of Grand Bank, St. Lawrence, Boat Harbour and Marystown.

“Expanding access to mental health services for our youth is a high-priority, and we are grateful to Bell Let’s Talk for their support in making this happen,” said Vanessa Jackman, Executive Director of the Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation.  “This grant will allow us to create therapeutic spaces in both Pearce Junior High School and Marystown Central High School, install new conferencing technologies for students to increase access to online resources, and implement training resources and supports for local educators.”

Thanks to the commitment of Eastern Health and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, funding and staffing will be maintained to ensure the long-term sustainability of walk-in mental health clinics serving the region.

“Over the past few years, people on the Burin Peninsula have benefited from improved access to mental health and addiction services.” said Evelyn Tilley, Program Manager, Mental Health and Addictions (Rural). “This partnership with the schools will now improve that access specifically for students. This support from Bell Let’s Talk provides us with the opportunity to work together in improving the social and emotional well-being of students.”

Since 2017, the region has shifted from having a wait-time of up to eight months for mental health and addictions services, to an entirely walk-in service structure.

“Bell Let’s Talk is pleased to help the Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation expand upon their mental health and addictions services to benefit more people in the Burin Peninsula region,” said Mary Deacon, Chair of Bell Let’s Talk. “The Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund provides grants to community-based mental health organizations throughout the country working to expand access to mental health care through initiatives just like this.”

Bell Let’s Talk promotes Canadian mental health with national awareness and anti-stigma campaigns like Bell Let’s Talk Day and significant Bell funding of community care and access, research and workplace leadership initiatives throughout the country. To learn more, please visit Bell.ca/LetsTalk.

About Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation

The Burin Peninsula Health Care Foundation Inc. (BPHCF) was incorporated in 1991 and is a philanthropic partner of Newfoundland and Labrador's Eastern Health Board Authority. Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, the BPHCF works to compliment traditional funding sources in support of local health care centres and patients living in remote and rural communities on the Burin Peninsula. Programs and fundraising campaigns are designed to ensure support goes directly to the local health care centers to improve the quality of care for our patients and long-term care residents. Primary areas of focus include Mental Health and Addictions, Patient Comfort and Care, Chemotherapy, Dialysis, Rehabilitation, Women's Health, Pregnancy and Infant Loss, and Pediatrics.

For further information:

Vanessa Jackman

Executive Director

(709) 891-3247

[email protected]